Now, I want to inform about 'Rape Action' In Jakarta Increase.. In the capital city of indonesia , Jakarta have many rape action and make people uneasy.
Jakarta Metropolitan Regional Police (Metropolitan Police) recorded the number of rape action increased from 60 cases during 2010 to 68 cases throughout 2011, up 13.3 percent. "Suspected cause of the increase the number of rape action due to easy access to public media that are pornographic," said Jakarta Police Chief, Inspector General of Police Lucky S Rajab in Jakarta, Friday (30/12). Fortunately, the majority said the offender was 19 years old to 55 years, while the victim's age ranges from 14 years-40 years. Jakarta Police disclosure of rape action case recorded in 2011 reached 73.52 percent, or approximately 1.48 percent decrease compared to 2010 which reached 75 percent. Cases of theft by weighting also showed an increase of 12.54 percent of 6048 cases during 2010 to 6807 cases in 2011. Acts of extortion by threats also increased from 333 cases to 396 cases during 2011 and the fire of 404 to 569 events, as well as gambling (1019 cases to 999 cases). Meanwhile, the number of cases decreased during 2011, ie, theft with violence from 931 cases to 895 cases, assault with a weighting (1937 cases to 1936 cases), two-wheeled motor vehicle theft (9114 cases to 4565 cases) and car theft (1 598 cases to 787 cases). Then, the number of cases of drug abuse from 4989 cases to 4694 cases, while cases of juvenile delinquency remains of 30 cases. However, Lucky states the total number of 11 types of crime during 2011 compared to 2010 decreased from 26,529 cases to 21,830 cases with disclosure of the percentage of cases increased from 47.20 percent to 52.94 percent.
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